Thermal Hydraulic Test-benches and Tests

  • Elaboration of thermal engineering prototypes tests main idea.
  • Design and assembling of test benches.
  • High accurate thermal hydraulic tests.
  • Expertise and comprehensive data processing including uncertainty analyses of measured and identified parameters.
  • Professional recommendations for the prototype performances improvements.

  Existing thermal hydraulic tests base of company includes two high accurate test benches. The aims of test benches are to study the integral and local processes in components of two-phase and single-phase thermal control systems. In particular, the series of test campaigns have been already performed and are being performed on test-benches dealt with the testing of ammonia mechanically pumped loop two-phase thermal control system components (e.g. condensers, evaporator, tubing, throttles, fittings) for Thales Alenia Space (Cannes) next generation telecommunication platform.

   The test-benches are universal tools and assembled on a modular base allowing easy reconfiguration of layout for the particular application. Substantial base of measurement sensors and devices as well as various standard hydraulic components (pumps, fittings, valves, hoses and tubing) collected by the company during last years in the framework of different projects makes such reconfiguration possible in extremely short terms.    

Working fluid to be used in test-benches in single-phase and two-phase states are anhydrous ammonia, general refrigerants (R134a, R22, R507), HFE fluids (e.g. 3M Novec 7000, 7100 and 7200). Test-benches main performances are represented in the table below.

Parameter CHDL-10-30 CHDL-20-50
Working fluid ammonia, general refrigerants, HFE fluids 
Maximal expected operation pressure 30 bar 50 bar

Maximal electrical power

10 kW 20 kW

Mass flow rate

0.01…30 g/s 1…60 g/s

Vapor title

0…1 0…1

Cooling system capacity

25 kW

Coolant temperature

-30 0С … +70 0С

Accuracy of measured and identified parameters

Mass flow rate

±0.1 % of measured value

Temperature (immersed sensors)

±0.05 0С

Temperature (surface sensors)

±0.3 0С

Pressure drop

±0.05% of full scale

Absolute pressure

±0.025% of full scale

Vapor title







Solved problems and projects

  -Hydraulic tests of flexible hoses on ammonia in wide range of two-phase boundary conditions. Order of BOA Flexible Solutions company for Thales Alenia Space (Cannes).

  – Saturated ammonia vapor condensation in the flow of subcooled liquid. Kinetics of non-condensable gases (hydrogen and nitrogen) dissolving in the flow of subcooled liquid ammonia.

   – Non-condensable gases (hydrogen, nitrogen and helium) dissolution in static bulk of liquid ammonia.

   – Hydraulic tests of fittings and armatures for the mechanically pumped loop two-phase thermal control system (MPL TCS) of Thales Alenia Space (Cannes) perspective telecommunication platform.

   – Study of ammonia actual void fraction behavior in the tubing at various flow conditions. Specific method has been used for void fraction measurement.

  Ammonia/stainless steel interface contact angle study at different fluid temperature and pressure.

   – Thermal and hydraulic tests of Absolute Systems SAS heat exchanger prototypes by the order of Thales Alenia Space (Cannes).

  – Test-bench for the determination of car industry heat exchangers performances delivered to Vorrichtungsbau Giggel Gmbh.

   – Test-bench – prototype of thermosiphon with direct (heating) and opposite (cooling) actions delivered to Vorrichtungsbau Giggel Gmbh.